The DX4WIN.AWD file contains 229 custom awards.

The award database was last updated on 10 January 2025. Go to the Version History to see the changes, as well as to get a link to a ZIP file containing the database. Of course, you should be using the DX4WIN Data Updater instead.

The database is compatible with DX4WIN 7.01 and later. For earlier versions of DX4WIN, the following band-specific awards may not appear in the "Custom award" menu due to the addition of the 60 meter band in DX4WIN version 7:

Manual Installation

Extract DX4WIN.AWD from the .ZIP file and copy it to your DX4WIN SAVE directory. DX4WIN can NOT be running when you do this.

The DX4WIN.AWD file contains a version string at the top so you can determine which version you have:

dx4win.awd,v 3.26 2012-03-11 21:03:58

Note: DOK and SDOK are considered separate awards in DX4WIN. To combine them into a single award, see below.

Membership Lists

The version 3.0 and later ZIP file contains a number of membership list files (plain-text files with a .list extension). Theses can be used to identify member calls in the DX Spots window. This is only supported by DX4WIN 8.01 and later. Please read the application note on Membership Lists for more information.

WPX Honor Roll Prefixes

Only current prefixes will be counted toward the CQ WPX (Worked All Prefixes) Honor Roll standings. Prefixes will be deleted from the Honor Roll listing ten years after they are no longer authorized for use by the governing authority or by the ITU.

The current list of deleted prefixes was last updated on 9 December 2021. Click on this link to download the file, and save it to your DX4W###\SAVE directory.

Checking the Installed Version

There is a version check built into the Custom Award database. To see the version, click inside the Custom Award field and select the "VERSIO" award.  Then click in the Custom Award Value field to see the release date of the version you are using. See the example below:

Version History

To download a ZIP file containing the award database for your version of DX4WIN, click on the appropriate hyperlink (DX4WIN8 or DXWIN9) next to the version number and date.

25.1 - 10 January 2025 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[ARLH] Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[OHPO] Ohio State Parks on the Air (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[RDA] Russian District Award (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WADA] Worked Antarctic Directory Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
[WWYC] World Wide Young Contesters (updated)

24.7 - 03 November 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[COMC] Comarques (Regions) de Catalunya (renamed)
[COMC] Catalan Counties (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[ENCA] Natural Areas of Catalonia (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
[WWYC] World Wide Young Contesters (updated)
24.6 - 14 September 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NZR] New Zealand Regions (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
24.5 - 10 September 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ARLH] Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[IIA] Italian Islands Award (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[NZC] New Zealand Counties (updated)
[NZR] New Zealand Regions (added)
[OHPO] Ohio State Parks on the Air (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WALY] Worked All Lithuania (added)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
[WWYC] World Wide Young Contesters (updated)
24.4 - 21 July 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[AVKS] Worked All VK Shires (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIE] Spanish Islands Award (DIE) (updated)
[DIEI] Spanish Interior Islands Award (DIEI) (renamed)
[DIEI] Spanish Inner Islands Award (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WADA] Worked Antarctic Directory Award (updated)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
24.3 - 14 June 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[ARLH] Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DME] Diploma Municipios de España (Towns of Spain Award) (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WAIP] Worked All Italian Provinces Award (updated)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
[WWYC] World Wide Young Contesters (updated)
24.2 - 31 March 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[DCE1] Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-) (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
[DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DME] Diploma Municipios de España (Towns of Spain Award) (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WADA] Worked Antarctic Directory Award (updated)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)
24.1 - 15 January 2024 [ DX4WIN8 | DX4WIN9 ]
[AGCW] Activity Group CW-DL (updated)
[ALZS] All Bulgarian Saints (updated)
[CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
[DEE] Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE) (updated)
[SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
[DMVE] Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España (updated)
[FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
[FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
[LZTT] St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-) (updated)
[NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
[POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
[SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
[SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
[USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
[WAIL] Worked All Italian Lighthouses (updated)
[WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
[WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)

Past Releases

Click the mouse once on a year below to display/hide that year's releases.



















Thanks to Stefano, I0MWI; Ted W8TTS; Hamad 9K2HN for their help.