20 March 2021
I got tired of navigating to the WSJT-X directory every time I wanted to
import my latest QSOs into DX4WIN. Fortunately, Windows 10 has a solution. The
idea is to create a symbolic link in your SAVE directory that points to the
WSJT-X log. You can read more about symbolic links here:
Here are instructions for how to do this:
- Using File Explorer, locate your DX4WIN installation. You can do this by
right-clicking on the desktop DX4WIN icon, then selecting Properties. You will
get a window similar to the following. Look for the Target, shown circled in red
below. Make note of both the drive/partition (the capital letter at the
beginning of the Target) as well as the full path to the file. In the example
below, DX4WIN is installed on the E drive/partition.
- Next, you will need to open a Windows Command Prompt in Administrator mode.
In Windows 10, from the Start menu, find the "Windows System" folder, click on
it, then right-click on "Command Prompt". Follow the "More" link (to the right)
and click "Run as Administrator".
- After the command prompt window appears, type the letter of the drive that
DX4WIN is installed on, making sure to include a ':' (colon) at the end. For

- Next, use the "cd" ("change directory") command and type in
the rest of the path to your DX4WIN SAVE directory that you located previously.
UPPER/lower case is not important. However, you must use the backslash character
('\') to separate the directories. For example:

- Finally, use the "mklink" command to create the
symbolic link. You must type the command exactly as shown. Simply copy/paste
what is shown below:
mklink wsjtx_log.adi %LOCALAPPDATA%\WSJT-X\wsjtx_log.adi
If you were successful in creating the link, you should see a message in the command prompt window like the following:
symbolic link created for wsjtx_log.adi <<===>> C:\Users\jjrei\AppData\Local\WSJT-X\wsjtx_log.adi
If instead you see the message, "You do not have sufficient privilege to
perform this operation.", then you did not start the command prompt in
Administrator mode. You will have to start again at step #2 above.
- Type "exit" to close the command prompt window.
- You should now be able to see the link when you use DX4WIN's import dialog.
Just select it as you would any other file that you might import.